Coding Shall Set You Free

September 16 2023 . Ravi Umadi

On the way back from lunch in Mensa on the LMU campus in Martinsried one summer afternoon in 2019, Lutz said to me,” Ravi, I want you to get good at MATLAB® before the end of your Ph.D. You won’t have to depend on anyone if you can write your... Read more

Calls Before Echoes

September 08 2023 . Ravi Umadi

Most field recordings of bat echolocation calls come with reflections from various surfaces, including the ground. However, the direct call arrives first, followed by the corresponding echoes. Here, we explore the primary analysis of echolocation call recordings obtained in the field condition. Analyses on field recordings commonly employ a peak... Read more

Why Science?

September 04 2023 . Ravi Umadi

Why does anyone want to spend time and effort doing the hard things? What is the appeal of working hard while almost everyone enjoys life with leisure and comfort? There is something within the people seeking knowledge, a deep-seated desire to discover the mysteries, to understand the nature of the... Read more

Cite As: Umadi, Ravi (2023). Insights, Retrieved from