Why does anyone want to spend time and effort doing the hard things? What is the appeal of working hard while almost everyone enjoys life with leisure and comfort?

There is something within the people seeking knowledge, a deep-seated desire to discover the mysteries, to understand the nature of the things and that of the mind itself. It keeps them awake at night, brings them joy and makes them feel fulfilled. If you question the status of your comfort and find a dissatisfactory answer, you might be made for bigger things. And if what you seek is something more precious than improving your worldly life, congratulations, you might be looking for something more meaningful and lasting than what money could ever bring.

My Top Reasons to Practice Science

  1. Trivial is Boring
  2. The Wonders Are Too Big to Ignore
  3. Knowledge Builds Character
  4. Objectivity is Peace
  5. To Learn is to Live

Is the choice to pursue tougher things worth it? It is for oneself to decide.

Cite As: Umadi, Ravi (2023). Why Science?, Retrieved from https://biosonix.io/Why-Science